LXC from staging
I’m fiddling with the staging branch of LXC (stuff that will go in 0.9, now at alpha state) and there are some news to report.
They are migrating to python3 scripts and a corresponding API and some stuff in LUA too to substitute many of the lxc helpers (I’m using python3 and lua from slackbuilds.org).
People is already doing interesting stuff with the API.
Plus, lxc-attach, used to execute commands in the containers (for example, I use it for an rc.lxc script), needs a kernel with full namespaces support (>=3.9).
Work is still in progress (and they just added new features), but it’s usable already 🙂
EDIT (2013-02-17): I modified the testing stuff to avoid some problems shutting down containers (and more) 😉
EDIT (2013-03-04): changed the kernel version as namespaces support for many filesystems has just been included only with 3.9-rc1