I’m done building x86_64 packages for my currents, now I’m trying the updated SBo-git (you can see all the patches at this link 😉 ) with sbopkg on a 32bit virtual machine.

SBo-git it’s based on my sbopkg queue.

I built the above packages with sbopkg on a freshly installed current (virtual machine), patching them by hand when sbopkg stopped for any reason: on current we have a new bash, new gcc/glibc, new kernel (and a new libpng) so many slackbuild/sources needed patches to build.

Then I moved these patches on git:

– maintaining a master branch with the original slackbuilds.org repository;

– doing a branch for every script I modified (you can see them in the SBo-git’s homepage, just click on “Switch Branches”)

– merging all the branch in a big patch with a date tag (latest is current-20100310): thanks to Robby Workman and the people of slackbuilds-users mailing list for the hints 🙂

merging has been easy, in the end: I got the commit information I need with

$ git branch -v
  2ManDVD                   ef870fb fixed download link to gentoo-distfiles and md5sum (?)
  Archive-Zip               99ec144 updated following the other perl libraries added in the repository
  LiVES                     3a86722 corrected the link to lives executable
  Mako                      4f56729 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  aMule                     aaa10b7 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  agg                       c1c555c added needed configure option
  amsn                      eaf15e1 upgraded to 0.98.3 for libpng compatibility. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  audacity                  2506393 upgraded to latest beta
  avidemux                  933449f upgraded to 2.5.2 (2.4.4 doesn't build). updated patch for i18n
  cabextract                1a555e4 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  celt                      4c8b363 added celt, low delay audio codec
  cksfv                     d6754b6 fixed slackbuild for bash4
  clamav                    26033bf upgraded to latest version
  cmus                      01aee6a added patch to fix build with new libmp4v2
  cryptopp                  d29e90b little downgrade for aMule. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  current                   53fb8a7 sbo repo for current 20100310
  darkstat                  f059144 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  deluge                    647e81b fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  dvgrab                    4737437 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  ekiga                     13dc27c upgraded to 3.2.6 followin opal update. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  ffmpeg                    d7b00c2 upgraded to r21539 following x264. changed to amrnb and amrwb to libopencore. added nonfree for faac
  fontforge                 5e1358f added a patch for libpng-1.4. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  foremost                  26b71c1 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  frei0r                    ab745b2 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true, removed man section - for bash 4
  gavl                      d1bc9d7 added gavl - multimedia library
  gdk-pixbuf                9c66898 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true, removed man section - for bash 4
  gpac                      37eda77 added a patch for libpng-1.4
  gst-plugins-ugly          8d6af21 updated to a git version :D following x264. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  gst-python                f6cfc72 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  gtkmm                     9736610 upgrading to 2.14.4 fixes build with the new gtk in current
  hping3                    360d3ff fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  hylafax                   3f530e9 upgraded to 6.0.4 following libtiff upgrade in current
  imlib2                    b81e5c6 added a patch for libpng-1.4
  inkscape                  8b969e5 added a patch for upgraded poppler api on current
  kino                      3be24e6 upgraded to 1.3.4 because of updating some dependencies
  libdvbpsi                 7c4eb00 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  libmp4v2                  0a9c9a6 added a fix for man path
  libofa                    651a018 added patch for building with gcc 4.4
  libtorrent-rasterbar      124943b changed boost configure options for new naming of boost libs in current
  libtunepimp               673a9a9 added a patch for building with gcc 4.4
  libunicap                 0d14f3f added libunicap - video capture api
  libv4l                    12bc00e upgraded to 0.6.1, like in alien bob kde 4.4 builds
  lirc                      c7b9385 added a patch for kernel 2.6.33 in current
  ltris                     09bc458 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
* master                    49e521d SBo 20100217 updates
  micropolis                962b6de fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  mjpegtools                a519ce4 added patch for gcc 4.4 build
  numpy                     dcd3311 downgraded numpy following SciPy site
  obconf                    84fd5e0 fixed slackbuild for bash4
  opal                      b9883fb upgraded to 3.6.6 because builds with gcc 4.4
  opencv                    e344c4f upgraded to 2.0.0 because of gcc. switched to cmake: wrote a slackbuild from scratch
  perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib    209e9bc added, took slackbuilds.org 12.1 version, changed naming of module to perl- and updated it
  perl-Compress-Zlib        cee4b06 added, took slackbuilds.org 12.1 version, changed naming of module to perl- and updated it
  perl-IO-Compress-Base     edd2793 added, took slackbuilds.org 12.1 version, changed naming of module to perl- and updated it
  perl-IO-Compress-Zlib     924617c added, took slackbuilds.org 12.1 version, changed naming of module to perl- and updated it
  physfs                    9b99cad added patch for gcc 4.4 build and cutted out debugging
  plib                      129525f fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true, removed man section - for bash 4
  ptlib                     f9fe7a2 upgraded to 2.6.5 following opal. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  python-twisted            a1c59d1 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  python2-chardet           f9d2158 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  schroedinger              6d8260b upgraded to 1.0.8 from alien bob's vlc build. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true, removed man section - for bash 4
  scummvm                   179a1b8 upgraded to 1.0.0 because of gcc 4.4
  snack                     1f8db0e added Snack Sound Toolkit
  soundtouch                5d12ded upgraded to 1.5.0 because of build problems with new gcc of current
  supertuxkart-extra-karts  551ec30 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  supertuxkart-extra-tracks 2cca598 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  tor                       da8e093 upgraded to as .22 disappeared :o
  vice                      62bd429 added patch for gcc 4.4
  wmCalClock                c4dc5a7 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wmMoonClock               390a261 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wmSun                     335c237 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wmakerconf                6951399 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wminfo                    90eb82f fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wmnet                     765d3d0 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wmweather                 96a64be fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wormux                    dbf252b updated to latest version
  wvdial                    ddca4f3 upgraded to 1.61 for building error with gcc 4.4. fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  wxPython                  a3a854c added two patches, one for libpng-1.4 and one that fixes a conflict with glib>=2.21
  wxcam                     cf98dad fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4
  x264                      231f567 updated to latest snapshot
  zisofs-tools              8966167 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4

so using it with awk like this

git branch --no-abbrev -v | awk '{print "git merge", $2, "--squash #", $1}' > /tmp/merges

I have done a merge list that I committed in a new current branch.

git merge ef870fb581e072c92c3a91610decc84afe329a47 --squash # 2ManDVD
git merge 99ec1446b3dc52c81feaa513be4f63dff2fdb620 --squash # Archive-Zip
git merge 3a867220b13e8d3e9f8cc607638b8f407bc1a9e8 --squash # LiVES
git merge 4f56729e87470dd1761da7f388cebf1d7b02379a --squash # Mako
git merge aaa10b76d9a9f99b9f446ceea24c5102bbedb002 --squash # aMule
git merge c1c555c05383c6bb144a99096d35fb6b5621743c --squash # agg
git merge eaf15e1705945fa2a866f32c1fb3489466560ca4 --squash # amsn
git merge 250639358b22912a56f6367b8f282eb6c87852ba --squash # audacity
git merge 933449ff641fddb2a1be757fb098cfa43b074079 --squash # avidemux
git merge 1a555e49524c6cd68a1502621a0f8f0e0e53a462 --squash # cabextract
git merge 4c8b363b606da701c006a364d9618ffbd21ae150 --squash # celt
git merge d6754b6adeae277ddd3535c66f79b1667d95d1ec --squash # cksfv
git merge 26033bf252fb41bd7c2e0df18389815c49afa75f --squash # clamav
git merge 01aee6ab9bec3fb930eb177d6797eb1601f1d8a8 --squash # cmus
git merge d29e90b3d6e301b7a9b2201220b5e7d1d87a53be --squash # cryptopp
git merge f0591449f80282f3fc04b2cc04cd80430663d099 --squash # darkstat
git merge 647e81bf4705bc9259044b4c618e39e371491a59 --squash # deluge
git merge 4737437c5dbe537897af8440773d65979cb8064a --squash # dvgrab
git merge 13dc27c32e30273971f69f2bebb9a989e6d51763 --squash # ekiga
git merge d7b00c2a7d5eab2e2cf82ca4cfa751ac8880be90 --squash # ffmpeg
git merge 5e1358f4e19c0ac9f1839488a49e46d4bd848aa5 --squash # fontforge
git merge 26b71c175e114ad7fd70e1c3b8da26d38a4dbb8f --squash # foremost
git merge ab745b2c5cd3425b07f1b857ffbe35054831e608 --squash # frei0r
git merge d1bc9d7b82c6165e62ab2577e88c4bd6fb77fa10 --squash # gavl
git merge 9c668985a339d220c482cbd20cdab36b1d4a26e9 --squash # gdk-pixbuf
git merge 37eda779dacb8b8acb1750915cb5b757e4de8b8d --squash # gpac
git merge 8d6af21975544c4c99cd72c014a91e0129a57e9d --squash # gst-plugins-ugly
git merge f6cfc72fb157017457ba720636ec3dbe9f5c93db --squash # gst-python
git merge 97366102ed7cf098cfd514038e0696b7c5bfe841 --squash # gtkmm
git merge 360d3fff8d586988af1da2000602eae31a89bcc2 --squash # hping3
git merge 3f530e9e76643f33082e766326df67e25dba76e1 --squash # hylafax
git merge b81e5c69b772d199f334689f7ed935c4a9646f11 --squash # imlib2
git merge 8b969e5e96c061b0e9cf58ae2df128748eb5bdd5 --squash # inkscape
git merge 3be24e615d184e6d7b50ce7f9c09cd17d8bf75a1 --squash # kino
git merge 7c4eb00fc801fae48f2e8bd9792f4fcbe5904fe2 --squash # libdvbpsi
git merge 0a9c9a6a3822291a9911ef74f418b68500f99d36 --squash # libmp4v2
git merge 651a01896ab642967647990862c8fcbb4fd02426 --squash # libofa
git merge 124943bcac9e41c6b07575a4c3adc96decb1df3e --squash # libtorrent-rasterbar
git merge 673a9a92d02042ffa0be1379516d9b87c75e0e5e --squash # libtunepimp
git merge 0d14f3f19e0f69dd0856d214c4e09235561ba857 --squash # libunicap
git merge 12bc00e94259d064909dd161907017ad748d43a3 --squash # libv4l
git merge c7b93857815be1be74293766d912a0fdb601efbb --squash # lirc
git merge 09bc4587dbf9cf7d01d67f9250e4e3b8e5cc7b7b --squash # ltris
git merge 962b6dee475021535e3a8e4991b26664c0c5c969 --squash # micropolis
git merge a519ce47b54e69c21de9ae4f7c40c6494f386d8a --squash # mjpegtools
git merge dcd331123edea7d0feed4f42b7853b9de93cef0c --squash # numpy
git merge 84fd5e0f6890f4b9c25d078ab3976af5689251d6 --squash # obconf
git merge b9883fbe6d91d56d0ecee82d41c8d2de2ba1b7c8 --squash # opal
git merge e344c4f71e2ef25aa4ca4e43292c0c87d0264aa6 --squash # opencv
git merge 209e9bcf4181b967e6e0ed83b9d5bfcefe58cefe --squash # perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib
git merge cee4b066a5c7212b00b749d843c1c06ee32083d0 --squash # perl-Compress-Zlib
git merge edd27938fa2838c2907f743302d5bebaf3ab6c9f --squash # perl-IO-Compress-Base
git merge 924617c168e911d3a41887c20804c39c158eacaa --squash # perl-IO-Compress-Zlib
git merge 9b99cadd8858e9841ad4e2aadbd4ab973ef5b3fd --squash # physfs
git merge 129525ffd6c0ad83c682ec9e4c91e1ecd1c03a52 --squash # plib
git merge f9fe7a267987382d98bd12cb6d68154849e7c62b --squash # ptlib
git merge a1c59d1bc7060f3d7507e1a0de96a24c4b384b39 --squash # python-twisted
git merge f9d2158a249b67e50a802ae77f6ac8c08d26a7b3 --squash # python2-chardet
git merge 6d8260bd122229a4efdf92662c2cc2f257e55e53 --squash # schroedinger
git merge 179a1b80bb3fbce492c4e7d175ca7a706ea89e19 --squash # scummvm
git merge 1f8db0e1ddd1e1f2942962ea7c62314758a9c747 --squash # snack
git merge 5d12ded6d361db943643565fbf84033764fc4886 --squash # soundtouch
git merge 551ec306ea9c6ca2e99c361f5c38f6a01bfce308 --squash # supertuxkart-extra-karts
git merge 2cca5987e3571f1555e5589f2a8ee16552150372 --squash # supertuxkart-extra-tracks
git merge da8e093e0f983416975487d21a17bda290372f7f --squash # tor
git merge 62bd42966ebfc52db7a57a2b0a4fe7354ce8a2be --squash # vice
git merge c4dc5a73308a65cc755df8ec537a5cf54c92be93 --squash # wmCalClock
git merge 390a2619fd8ef4f9c1810a67b5a7ef81294809c3 --squash # wmMoonClock
git merge 335c237a1618aa0fb660f7131226d71a618a49eb --squash # wmSun
git merge 69513990bfc2dafb1d592e1a1d6ccb8149e33286 --squash # wmakerconf
git merge 90eb82f49f945f19bc2b4553c04720ef7534cfe0 --squash # wminfo
git merge 765d3d087c601c88ee192acba345dbc1e04aef6b --squash # wmnet
git merge 96a64be2ab38c337171b4b8bc27d89367da8caea --squash # wmweather
git merge dbf252b4aefee58cbdc57eea8dd555a3585c1304 --squash # wormux
git merge ddca4f37a765373216b5adb7d5cd07a6c92f4070 --squash # wvdial
git merge a3a854c87302c01f103637112c89e0b53cf19a82 --squash # wxPython
git merge cf98dad780a3be4451aa54b1833867a341712cb1 --squash # wxcam
git merge 231f567a5309bde9c20adc6fad68b9ea0870e339 --squash # x264
git merge 89661677587f39b0a066deb3b40aa8cfd49a60bc --squash # zisofs-tools

(I left current and master from the list 😉 )

you can use this git repository basically in two ways depending on what you need:

– if you use a lot of the packages I build, best option for you is to download a tarball and substitute it to your /var/lib/sbo/SBo/13.0 folder, then launch your queues as usual keeping the un-gpg-signed *.tar.gz when asked;

– if you use just a few of them you can select their name on “Switching Branches” and then click on the commit indicated on the right: all the patched files for that packages are there, you can also download directly the *.tar.gz clicking on the file name and again on the “raw” link.

there’s also a third way to use the repo: it’s on github, it’s public, you can submit/fork/etc. 😉

…and for correctness: SBo-git is completely unrelated to slackbuilds.org and therefore unsupported by it.

have fun! 😀
