So long, freenode!

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Perl modules breakage in current

with the new perl 5.26.1 in current you might have the bad surprise of your perl module build script breaking: this happens because upstream decided to remove . from @INC, so every perl module that uses a local directory in its own sources to have additional stuff available during building, and counts on including it because before perl-26.x this was the normal behaviour, breaks with this change, and modules like these are an awful lot 🙁
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European cookies law

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Huge updates in current!

it’s a while since I posted something and this seems like the right occasion: there has been a massive update in current, and this broke some third party stuff. Tue Apr 21 23:44:00 UTC 2015 Greetings! It has indeed been far too long. I apologize for the absence of updates lately, but we've been using the time to get some good work done. This is not a beta (probably not even an alpha release yet), but it is also not a drill.
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the first release of LXQt is approaching

As much work has been done on LXQt, <a href=>PCMan has just proposed an alpha release soon. I have updated the build scripts for Slackware in my git, and this is the sbopkg queue (using my git repository with it) that you can run to install all of its components libqtxdg liblxqt liblxqt-mount lxqt-globalkeys lxqt-notificationd libsysstat menu-cache libfm lxqt-panel pcmanfm-qt lxqt-session lxqt-runner lxqt-qtplugin lxqt-appswitcher lxqt-policykit lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-power lxqt-powermanagement lximage-qt lxqt-config lxinput-qt lxqt-config-randr obconf-qt libconfig compton compton-conf lxqt-about lxqt-common lxmenu-data Beware that everyhting is still a rough and some things needs to be adjusted, but if you choose to install this now is also to help testing it (and report problems upstream) 🙂
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LXC 1.0.1 on Slackware{,64}-{14.1,current}

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LXDE-Qt testing packages for Slackware 14.1

Maybe someone of you had heard about the fact that LXDE developers didn’t want to get dragged into the GTK+3 mess and that they decided in march of this year to merge efforts with the Razor-qt people to develop together a lightweight DE based on Qt (see the various post on the LXDE blog and on their <a href=>mailing list for more informations on this). So they picked some stuff from Razor and PCMan wrote much other from scratch: as <a href=http://blog.
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new LXDE packages for slackware{,64}-14.1

I tried to find a little time to build fresh sets of packages to have an LXDE desktop on the just released version of Slackware: you can find them in the usual place 🙂 64bit 32bit as a lot of people seems to use slackpkg+, the folders linked above contain repositories compatible with Zerouno’s slackpkg extension 😉 hope that I’ll find some time to install a fresh slackwarearm-14.1 on one of my raspberries and prepare them also for that platform.
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upgrading to php-5.5.x on Slackware

As we are developing a php database interface for a project here at work and some related functions are being deprecated starting with php 5.5.x I considered upgrading our php installs on our servers and test if it works fine with our stuff. As I’m using Slackware on my servers I managed to update the existing build scripts to build from a php 5.5.x tarball and I installed the new package on slackware64-14.
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LXC from staging

I’m fiddling with the staging branch of LXC (stuff that will go in 0.9, now at alpha state) and there are some news to report. They are migrating to python3 scripts and a corresponding API and some stuff in LUA too to substitute many of the lxc helpers (I’m using python3 and lua from People is already doing interesting stuff with the API. Plus, lxc-attach, used to execute commands in the containers (for example, I use it for an rc.
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Giving love to my Raspberries

As the new slackware is out, I wanted to try a clean install on my rasperry-pis. I referred to the super-detailed guide from dave (thanks!), but his build scripts needed just a little refreshing as upstream moved to a new firmware (boot changed slightly) and kernel version (ditching 3.1.9): more, they are committing on two kernel branches, one based on 3.2.27 (the default) and another based on 3.6.1. So, at first I forked dave’s build script to build a 3.
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lxc containers on slackware 14.0

It has been some time since last post and many things happened: one of those is that I have been invited to work with the people at and I gladly accepted 🙂 Work there is really interesting and I feel like I’m learning a lot. But the thing I felt most urgent, as I had chosen Slackware to host the services I administer at work and a new version of slackware is out, is to upgrade the lxc host and containers to slackware-14.
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lxc containers on slackware 13.37

I’m using some lxc containers to offer services with less resources than full virtualization (like kvm, virtualbox, etc.) demands for. At first I was creating the containers I needed basically following Chris Willing’s guide but, being jealous 😛 of the existing templates for the debian based distributions that allow creation of containers with a single command, I tried to assemble one for slackware 13.37, that I personally use at work and at home as a virtualization platform.
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Slackware LAMP server with phpmyadmin in a few easy steps

You have a full slackware installed and you want to use it as a LAMP server? here is a basic setup with phpmyadmin, if you like pretty interfaces for database administration (optional), in some easy steps (as root). This is a superquick guide, for more informations consider reading mRgOBLIN excellent article. let’s start 🙂 – make executable the init scripts of httpd (apache) and mysql chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.{mysqld,httpd} – initialize the database and create standard mysql tables (I suggest to read output on screen, it’s interesting)
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I submitted gource to and I’ve tried it with their repository you can alternatively watch it with mplayer mplayer first I got the avatars off gravatar with a perl script. then the command I’ve used to do this (inside of the slackbuilds repository folder) is gource -1280x800 -s 0.7 --user-image-dir .git/avatar/ --default-user-image \ ../no_photo.png -a 0.25 --colour-images --bloom-multiplier 0.80 \ --bloom-intensity 0.55 --user-scale 1.8 --user-friction 0.7 \ --title "Slackbuild.
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easily build yourself LXDE with sbopkg

as I promised, I have added the necessary branches to my’s git master fork, so it will be easy to build a complete LXDE desktop using sbopkg. I used existing components, I added alien bob’s scripts adapting them to template and I wrote some from scratch. UPDATE: all the components are submitted to now so there’s no particular need to set up my repository, unless you want latest testing (but working) stuff for current.
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LXDE from git on slackware-current

hi, finally found the time to work a little on LXDE: I’ve prepared a second round of slackbuilds and packages based mainly on the git version of the various components (many improvements in there). hope I haven’t missed anything of the things spotted (still have to do experiments with suspend). maybe is better if I just cut and paste from the README.txt of the download folder LXDE for slackware current -------------------------- many of the slackbuilds here are from alien bob's repository and slackbuilds.
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20100704 update

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As Robby Workman has announced on the users mailing list, they started a git repository for managing their slackbuilds. 🙂 This, besides being great news, has some implications: my SBo-git repository for -current has no sense to be continued anymore, as the logic (and Robby too :D) tells me to rebase my work on their repository. It’s was also much cleaner and ordered, but I forked it on github and I started playing on it to have a branch to use to build my sbopkg queue.
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Slackware 13.1 is out!

as announced on slackware main site the 13.1 release of the oldest linux distribution is ready 🙂 slackware confirm itself one of the most innovative distribution in the field, with software updates surpassing latest ubuntu 😀 The SBo-git repository is ready too to be used with sbopkg on this new slackware version. if you need fresh additional packages beside slackware standard full install, I built some (using sbopkg and SBo-git) for my personal use (the list) that I gladly share:
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SBo-git 20100518

updated SBo-git with some small fixes after the updates of 2 days ago: this is the repo at today. there’s also a new contributor, Greg Tourte! 🙂 soon I’ll fix the individual branches to do a rebase and a merge in a new branch derived from master: after all, it looks cleaner to me than apply lot of fixes to current. 🙂 I also rebuilt my x86_64 packages (soon the i686 ones will follow).
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SBo-git 20100508

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SBo-git 20100428 and a new way to merge in -current branch

good news for who’s using sbopkg with sbo-git as a repository. tnx to 55020 for the setup instructions: Just to point out, sbopkg already has support for git repositories. So you can use the "current" branch of Ponce's unofficial repository in sbopkg by creating a file at /etc/sbopkg/repos.d/30-SBo-git.repo containing the following text: # Repo Branch Description Tag Tool Link CheckGPG SBo-git current "Unofficial repository for -current" _SBo git git:// "" Then, within sbopkg, you should go to the Utilities menu and use the Repository option to select the SBo-git repository.
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SBo-git 20100425

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SBo-git 20100424

– fixed avidemux: substituted slackbuild with alien bob’s one and changed it a little (mainly for using it with sbopkg). – fixed gtkmm and cairomm (minor stuff). – rebuilt all my packages, for slackware64-current (x86_64) and for slackware-current (i686). – the commit with all the patches and the usual “git branch -v” output: 2ManDVD 2500168 fixed download link to gentoo-distfiles and md5sum, archive seems official but different LiVES 11c5c9e corrected the link to lives executable Mako 07feeb0 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 aMule cc5507e fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 agg a1aa3cc added needed configure option audacity 23c159c upgraded to latest beta avidemux fdd1947 updated to 2.
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SBo-git 20100422

– updated to latest status. – removed some stuff fixed/updated on – modified gtkmm version and added custom versions of cairomm, glibmm, libsigc++ and pangomm as kindly hinted by Robby Workman ( 😀 ). if you are using my git repository with sbopkg the easiest thing to do to sync is to remove the previously cloned folder: so, if you have previously added a file /etc/sbopkg/repos.d/30-SBo-git.repo with (for example) this content
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Slackware64-current multilib and icecream

at home I have a double slackware64-current multilib setup on multiple core machines so I gave a shot to icecream and gotta say it’s fine 🙂 but building 32bit apps like wine didn’t go through icecream and I had to change a line in /usr/bin/32/gcc (probably not the best solution) on both hosts to fix it # Now find the "real" gcc #REALCC=$(PATH="$(echo $PATH | sed "s#\(.*\):\?$STUBPATH/\?:\?#\1#")" which $(basename $0)) REALCC=/opt/icecream/bin/gcc ls -l /opt/icecream/bin/ totale 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 c++ -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 cc -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 g++ -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 gcc -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 x86_64-slackware-linux-c++ -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 x86_64-slackware-linux-g++ -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2010-03-27 14:37 x86_64-slackware-linux-gcc -&gt; /usr/bin/icecc my PATH before sourcing /etc/profile.
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Rsync repository

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SBo-git 20100410

– updated to latest status. – removed some stuff fixed on – fixed kvirc slackbuilds to download a snapshot from this site (like I have done with ffmpeg). the commit with all the patches: you can see them individually selecting the corresponding branch under “branches” on SBo-git homepage. the status of the branches at today: 2ManDVD a72a3c0 fixed download link to gentoo-distfiles and md5sum, archive seems official but different LiVES 9b320f6 corrected the link to lives executable Mako 0485baf fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 aMule cb7efa8 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 agg 81a9020 added needed configure option audacity 610a335 upgraded to latest beta avidemux f821ad6 upgraded to 2.
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SBo-git 20100327

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SBo-git 20100323

I have updated the SBo-git repository at the latest status of and current and rebuilt my packages for i686 and x86_64. All the patches, if you want to have a look: by the way, here is a small summary $ git branch -v 2ManDVD abf7ab0 fixed download link to gentoo-distfiles and md5sum, archive seems official but different LiVES edadf0f corrected the link to lives executable Mako 7da4334 fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 aMule e3010af fixed find routine in slackbuild adding || true - for bash 4 agg 8e9b517 added needed configure option audacity 474be0f upgraded to latest beta avidemux 9272940 upgraded to 2.
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SBo-git 20100310

I’m done building x86_64 packages for my currents, now I’m trying the updated SBo-git (you can see all the patches at this link 😉 ) with sbopkg on a 32bit virtual machine. SBo-git it’s based on my sbopkg queue. I built the above packages with sbopkg on a freshly installed current (virtual machine), patching them by hand when sbopkg stopped for any reason: on current we have a new bash, new gcc/glibc, new kernel (and a new libpng) so many slackbuild/sources needed patches to build.
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SBo-git gettin updated

I’m working on the SBo-git repository to have a working snapshot of repository compatible with latest slackware current for the package I use. Lots of thing are changed: we have a new bash that wants stricter slackbuilds so many scripts of the 13.0 repository break on current. 🙁 but I’m fixing errors as they show while following my sbopkg queue and things go on (for the moment 🙂 ).
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Slackware 64 current iso

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Adventures in gcc

I have done this page at the beginning of january on my previous web space and was linked on Alien Bob’s blog. I reprint it here ’cause maybe it’s still useful 😉 all the patched slackbuilds and more are in the current branch of the SBo-git repository Adventures in GCC 6 january 2010 Hi! I updated my clean slackware64-current at yesterday and most notably the gcc to 4.4.2 and kernel to 2.
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